D&C on Tuesday

I have to have a d&c done on Tuesday. I'm not sure what to expect. Can anyone give me some advice please?
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They gave me some pain meds during the procedure so I didn't feel much of anything. I was a little bit loopy. The thing that creeped me out was the suction noises that happened during the procedure. My doctor explained everything that she did before she actually did it which I found to be really helpful. Experienced moderate cramps after the procedure and bleeding that felt similar to a period. I alternate between feeling okay and feeling really sad. It's been really helpful to talk to friends and family, particularly those who've gone through a similar loss.


Rachel • Mar 11, 2015
Don't forget to take time for yourself. Give yourself as much love and support as you need. Talk to people who you find supportive.


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I had a d&e on September 11th. And they put me to sleep. I woke up and I only had some minor bleeding when I went to the bathroom the first time. After that no bleeding whatsoever and only minor cramping. The pain was more emotional than anything else. I am sending my love and prayers to you!!!


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I just had a D&C on Thursday. As with all procedures, there is the risk of complications. I had some complications but I am a bleeder (low red blood cell count). It just took me a couple more days and an overnight stay at the hospital for me to get on track to a normal recovery. I'm going back to work tomorrow and I have had light bleeding and some minor cramps since Saturday. Good luck. I am sorry about your loss, as well as everyone else's. 


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Hi and sorry for your loss. I had one last Wednesday and it was much easier and faster than I expected. I bleed a little bit the same day and had very mild cramping but then nothing after that. The hard part for me was emotionally and I'm still sad about it. 


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I had on and off bleeding/spotting for a few weeks after, no cramping just and uncomfortable feeling down there, It was the emotional side of it I couldn't deal with, I'm so sorry you have to go through this xx


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I am so sorry for your loss. I had one six weeks ago and mine went pretty smooth. I had light spotting for a couple days and some painful cramping if I did too much. I finally got my first period a few days ago. Hope all goes well for you and you heal soon! 


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So sorry to hear :( hang in there 💗