Guys from the "hood"

Disclaimer: this post is dirty and may offend idk lmao. Also, I said n*gga in it in case you find that word offensive. Also, I'm black.
Hello, my name is _______ and I fantasize about (consenually) giving a guy who grew up in the hood total control over my body (I'm talking submissive as fuck) and having out of this world sexual experiences with him because somehow in my fucked up little sexy mind, I feel that I can take away some of the pain he holds onto from his past by giving him great pleasure.
So now that we've got that out of the way, let me just say that
1. We all have fantasies get over it
2. Explore your sexuality have fun 
3. You can bash me if you'd like but feel free to share some of your fantasies in the comments. Especially if you feel me on this!!
But have you ever just wanted to take a mans pain away? Like all the shit you know he went through in life because it's the same shit you watched the young men around you and in your family go through the same shit? Im talking all the things that young black guys go through. Black guys from the hood in particular. 
I met this guy…he's a really good guy…calm… treats me like a princess… his hood was West Baltimore.
I guess you could say he "made it out" because he lives on his own in a nice neighborhood now and is really living a better life. But I know how bad the streets ruined his early years before he got to this point. I see it in his eyes. Especially when we talk about socioeconomic issues. (Fun fact: I interviewed him on his life experiences for a sociology class paper and it was incredible)
But as the saying goes "You can take a n*gga out the hood but you can't take the hood out of him. " and I don't say that to be funny -well kinda- because I'm talking about the of the pain, depression, and horrors that come with growing up in these Baltimore streets. And though my guy has "made it out", he still lives with that pain that he brought with him.
And I guess you could say I just like "bad guys" or I think I can "change them" but I just wanna heal him, make him feel good, even if it's only for a moment.
I mean I think we all know how powerful the pussy is 😂 nothing really makes a straight man feel better.
Lmao I think I'm definitely gonna end up posting this one anonymously 🤔😂