Successful Egg Retrieval!!!

Mrs. Jones • April 2018: Welcomed twins - 5 lb 3 oz (boy) and 5 lb 14 oz (girl) @ 35w5d by emergency c-section, due to rapid escalation of preeclampsia. Girl spent 1 day in the NICU otherwise, all healthy! Aug 2017: FET. 2 embryos transferred. Success! May 2017: IVF
I just had my egg retrieval completed less than an hour ago. I was originally diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve, with a minor male fertility issues (borderline low DNA fragmentation). We retrieved 12 eggs!!! That was WAY more than my doc or I expected. A girlfriend of mine had suggested this book a few months ago. I can't be certain if this actually contributed to how many eggs we retrieved since it was my first cycle, but my doc was initially skeptical that I'd get more than 1 or 2 based on my low AMH. I think the tips in the book was a big factor though. Hope this helps other ladies in the same boat :)
It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in <a href="">IVF</a>