home doesn't feel like home 😔

My husband and i moved in with his dad to help him with his divorce and also to save to buy our first home. His dad has been super nice and accomodating, but it just makes me SO bummed to be here. Maybe it's all the sad vibes from the divorce, or giving up our amazing apartment, or idk, but being in the house makes me so upset. Yesterday, I moved a few things around to make some space near the living room for my work desk (I work from home) and woke up to find everything back where it originally was. I get my fil is a creature of habit, and I can leave my desk in the bedroom I guess.. but for some reason, my feelings were really hurt by this. We're planning on staying here for a year and a half or two years and idk.. all I get are bad feelings 😞 my gut keeps telling me we don't belong here, and right now we really have no choice 😔