Moving in with bf!

My boyfriend and I are moving in together at the end of this year! (Sept-October) and I'm so excited to take this next step! We've been together 2 years and we basically live at my moms house together. He just got a manager position at work and we're saving up 6 months rent and stocking up on non-perishables and creating a budget. We get along super well and are excited to start this together. My only question is what advice do you guys have! 
What are some things you wish someone had told you when you moved in with your SO? 
For example: 
-did you get a joint account? How did it go?
-did you put all your money into one account or keep it seperate?
-did you have a house warming party, did you buy your own things, did family members gift you anything?
-how did you deligate personal time? 
Just some things I've been considering :) thank you all. Much love!