I'm about to get real!

La • Single Mommy 💗 12.21.16 💗 8.10.18
I posted all the time while I was pregnant and I now have a 4 month old baby girl. The best thing that could have happened to me. This post is about to get really serious and probably lengthy. Anyone who reads to the end I thank you for reading and for any input and advice. 
This is the extremely short version... 
Myself and my daughters father are both recovering addicts, well I am recovering. I have been clean since I got pregnant in December of last year. I went to rehab and found out I was pregnant so they automatically put me on methadone maintenance. My daughters father however refused to go to rehab so he got on methadone as well on his own. I lost that baby 2 days after completing rehab. I then got pregnant the next month!
Fast forward to 6 months pregnant, he relapsed. And then again. And again and again. At one point I even left and stayed in a hotel. I was afraid to tell my parents he relapsed and never thought they'd even let me move back anyways. So I tried and tried to stay. I told him one more time and I'm leaving. 
Fast forward to my water breaking. We went to the hospital, it's me him and my mom. Because of my history I opted for a natural birth. As I'm screaming bloody murder, he's nodding out next to me. Even the nurses kept staring. I was livid. At 4:23 am I gave birth to a complete MIRACLE. The first words out of the doctors mouth were "this baby is lucky to be alive!" My daughter was meant to be a twin, I had bad complications throughout pregnancy and worked 60 hour weeks. 
Day 2 -- my daughter is in the nicu for low blood sugar, 4 pounds 14 ounces of a miracle! I had to get checked by the nurses so I left her and him in the nicu to do skin to skin. I came back at 7 pm. He said he was going across the street to get me dinner. That took 2 hours. At 9 pm he showed up, HIGH AS A KITE. I immediately escorted him to my room in maternity. I was livid, and exhausted yet couldn't rest because I had to watch him. 3 am I go to the nicu to nurse. When I come back at 4, he says I'm leaving. I said to him (don't know why I cared) "if you leave you won't sign the birth certificate " he left anyways. 
Next morning, I go over to the nicu to nurse my daughter. The nurse stops me and claims that she can't let me do that. I'm like what why she's been breastfeeding the whole time. She says "your boyfriend told us the drugs are for you" I died a little bit. I broke down crying and offered to be drug tested. When I went for that 3 am nursing session, he stood directly in front of the nurses station and bought 40 xanax on the phone. When the nurses overheard he told them they were for me. I was furious. From there on out the nurses and social services said not to let him come back. Honestly he was so messed up I think he forgot I had a baby because he never asked how she was or even to come back. 
Now fast forward to now, 4 months after I had her. I know for a fact that he used recently as a month ago, that's the most recent I can prove. He sold her crib, hasn't helped financially with a dollar and sees her about two times a month. He however thinks he's a great dad. He also wants to take my daughter while I'm at work by himself. HELL NO! So we always fight about that. Oh my gosh I could go into so much more detail but I'm trying to keep it short as possible. He currently is on probation so I know at this point he won't take me to court. He's driving around On a suspended license as well. He's not on the birth certificate and honestly I do not trust him. 
How would you react to this? And what would you do? What would the courts have to say about this? I obviously want to keep my full custody and don't even want support from him.