Issue with the in laws

We told my husbands parents a month ago, we told the rest of his family on Saturday.    I think the mentality now is that since we are going to be parents it's time to go to church.  His family asked him 4 different times if he was coming to church with them the next day. The hubby is agnostic/atheist but less open about it than me.   They never ask me if I'll be joining them.  When I was still on Facebook I had my religion openly listed as atheist so maybe they know better.  He is planning on talking to his dad about it at some point.  I kinda wish they would ask me if I'll go.  😏. I'll be polite.   They are all very nice but in a surface shallow kinda way.  My family is messy and unkind at times but there is a level of honesty that is amazing.  It's nice to have both but I prefer the rude honesty more often than not.