Post-Egg Retrieval UPDATE!!!

C R 💕 • Married 8y | 10yo 👧🏽 | IVF 5/11 | Due 5/19 |
Omg!!!! Ladies, I had my ER last Thursday 5/11 and I have great news! 
Of the 18 retrieved, 11 were mature, 7 fertilized and 6 made it to blast! I got a call on:
- 5/16 Tuesday, Day 5: 3 made it to blast, biopsied, frozen and sent off for PGS/PGD testing
- 5/17 Wednesday, Day 6: 3 more made it to blast, biopsied, frozen and sent off for PGS/PGD testing 
The additional one embryo is still growing, but poor grade. Either way, we have 6 that made it to blasts!!! Omg I'm so ecstatic! Keeping my fingers crossed that some of the six come back chromosomially normal 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽! Please keep our SIX embabies in your thoughts!!!
Thx for reading! 😊😊😊😊