Silent reflux/acid reflux -advice/Help appreciated!!

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

Liam is now 4 weeks 4 days old. And 4 days ago was put on Zantac 2x a day for silent reflux. So far we have noticed a difference already, mostly with HOW he eats his bottle. It's easier for him. But... During part of the day the symptoms seem to come back and he struggles to eat some feeds. Then we give his 2nd dose and he does better. From watching him eat and by taking notes it seems like he'd do great if he was able to take his medicine 3x a day and instead of 2x a day.

Has anyone else dealt with (silent)/acid reflux and had baby on zantac?

How'd they do on it? Did it take a while to kick in initially?any improvement? And did you do anything else other than medicine that helped? I know sleeping in the crib is hard for him after an hr of sleeping, and he wants to sleep inclined.

Our other son, now 9, has severe acid reflux, vomited 90% of his feeds, and was put on prevacid. It helped him a lot. I'm hoping this zantac helps him, I just hate seeing him struggle to eat and sleep (has to sleep inclined) breaks a mamas heart