Super fed up and upset just had enough!

20 weeks ago i had a emergency c-section and brought into the world our handsome rainbow baby boy. I beat medical odds in the millions and after 11yrs of ttc with 3 baby funerals i finally got my boy. I care for him around the clock as my partner works 6 days a week long hours. I don't mind as hes working so i do all night feeds. Yesturday i became suddenly unwell and i was rushed to hospital. Ive been here since and will find out tmrw if im going to need major stomach surgery. Awaiting a special scan in the morning. SO is looking after the children. Since being here hes not answered any texts or calls except one and he barely bothed to say two words to me. Hes not bothed to ask how i am. This has really upset me and im struggling so much being away from my children right now i just want to know there all ok for peace of mind so i can try settle best i can here. It wouldn't hurt him to take two minutes and make a call. Whenever hes unwell i rally around for him making sure hes got everything he needs and ask how he is. Hes had to take take 1 hr off work yesturday and today to care for the children and obviously has the hump over this although his boss is perfectly fine and more then understanding. The boss is paying him full pay as normol and told him to take the time he needs our family is priority which is very kind of him. I dont get my partners issue. Super fed up in alot of pain and feeling sad he don't clearly give a damn! Am i over reacting? How would you feel?? I am at the point where i feel to walk out of here regardless of the agony im in and go home but i know medically i need to be in hospital. Thank - you for any comments il reply as soon as possible. 
PS- Too all you ladies ttc never give up fighting for your dream baby. Yes its challenging and daunting each month trying to find that little bit of strength to continue but hang in there you will be blessed. Best wishes and baby dust