Help please anyone!! 😔


So.. before anyone says maybe its an infection or std. I have been tested, blood work, urine, and all kinds of scans, ultrasounds, ect. And everything has come out negative and my urine, CLEAN as ever.

I've actually cut down the smoking cigarettes, I dont drink but maybe one glass of wine occasionally, and I've cut down on the caffeine intake as well. Drinking PLENTY of water.

I just need some advice here because I just don't know what to do anymore.. and I don't want to risk losing such a great relationship because of lack of communication.

Not that him and I have poor communication because we are really good with communicating on all other aspects.

On the sexual level.. it is beyond incredible and phenomenal most of the time for me but sometimes I have pain with deep intercourse.. my doctor has told me that there is nothing wrong and that maybe BC would help but even after I have told her.. she doesn't understand that him and I are ttc and so.. really thats the last thing that we want! I just cant take it because for over the last couple of months ttc , fail after fail. Now I'm beginning to realize there is literally something wrong with me but the doctors just fail to realize and they don't want to help me.

There has got to be some way to relieve this pain without BC, something I could do, or maybe I'm not alone and someone else is going through this too. Maybe someone can help me understand what's going on with my body.

I have tried drinking a glass of wine to ease it a little.. doesn't help.

Tried lots of lube.. doesn't help either

Foreplay.. didn't help..

I have whatsoever taken a Hydro when it was prescribed to me for ending up in the hospital for the same pain during intercourse that left me falling on the floor in a ball.. they didn't find anything then either and sent me home.. but anyways that worked A LOT but I am out of Hydrocodone as they only prescribed me a couple.


No its not all in my head.. I too would love to enjoy every moment of sex with my SO. It is so aggravating to have to tell him to stop sometimes or cry because Im hurting. Im afraid this is eventually gonna tear us apart. He loves me and he understands Im in pain but I want to be able to please him without just doing other things..

Any advice or encouraging words?

Thank you in advance LADIES .