In a messy situation..

I'm second guessing about living with my "friends".. It's taking a toll on everything to be honest. I'll summarize what has been going on and hopefully I have a clear solution as to what I want if you gals give me advice.


So what has been happening is that within two weeks my other friends (lets call them Group 2 so I don't confuse anyone) invite me over to their house. Everything is all fine and dandy. Little do I know this guy I've heard a bit about is there with them too, and actually moved in with them. The gal from Group 1 finds out. She has had a small amount of history with him because they talked over this dating app. Anyway he could care less about her because she was cheating on two guys while talking to him, so he dropped her. Now since I've been conversing with him and we both have feelings, she's been obsessing over him and has been blowing a ton of crap out of proportion. By calling him a cheater, fuckboy, etc. Honestly she has no room to speak since she's being hypocritical. Within the time him and I have been speaking, he's actually a sweet genuine guy that has been through a lot of crap. He cooked me dinner, made me hot chocolate, we played video games for the longest time, watched a movie, went on dates, gave me amazing cuddles and of course kisses. He's never asked me to be his girlfriend since there's a lot of crap going on at the moment and we're not trying to rush anything. 


Here is where it gets a bit difficult. My friend from Group 1 doesn't like this guy basically because he rejected her. Her boyfriend doesn't like him mainly because she doesn't like him so he has no reason. Group 2, plus the guy I like welcomed me into moving in with them. This is what has me in a pickle. I keep ranting about how Group 1 is in the wrong while I still choose to stay with them which makes the guy I like think I'm two faced. He admitted it, which is not the case. We talked things out because I like communication from both sides. My reason for not giving a straightforward answer to Group 2 is because Group 1 is forcing me to stay so I can pay rent when my paycheck is due. Group 2 has a better understanding from where I'm coming from and thought to reconsider letting me stay. BUT.. the guy I like is the one who decides if I should move in since I'd be sleeping in his room with him. He told me he has his guard up because of past relationships and doesn't want to get hurt again. I'm honestly so confused as to what I should do? I really do like this guy because he's the opposite of what everyone thinks he is and has amazing qualities. It's just all the tension and unnecessary crap is what's getting to me as well as him too. 


If he wants me to move in, should I? From what I summarized? I'm not happy here. I feel like it'd be a better option. Yet I'll lose people along the way. Then again it is about what I want. All I ask is thoughts and advice. It'll help. Thank you in advance.