Baby's Size v. First Day of Last Period v. Due Date??🤔

Zoe • Vegas Mama
So before I had my first ultrasound I used several online calculators to figure out my due date based on the first day of my last menstrual cycle (3/14/17). They all calculated that I would be due on 12/18/17.
SOOOOO I had my first ultrasound on Wednesday (5/17/17) when I should've been 9 weeks and 1 day. HOWEVER ☝🏻 The baby measured at being 7 weeks and 3 Day😱. BUT they said my due date would actually be 12/28/17🤔🤔. SO I changed my due date in this app and it says TODAY (5/19/17) that I am 8 weeks and 2 days?!? I am so confused and nothing seems to add up! Please help me😩🙏🏻