sex question.

Amanda • Engaged to my best friend. 💍 Mama to an angel 02-15-2017 🕊Lincoln Archer 05-11-2017, baby #2 due December 14th 🎄
Maybe I'm crazy.. idk. But I am 8 days PP and I'm dying to have sex. I didn't give birth vaginally.. I resulted in a c section. I'm a first time mom and I know you're supposed to wait 6 weeks before having sex again.. is it really important to wait those six weeks. Obviously I wanna be safe, but I also miss intimate time with my fiancé. Maybe I'm weird .. lol everyone says to me, oh after having a baby you won't want sex for a while, it'll be the last thing in your mind. But it's not. I'm scared about my incision also. Any ladies with experience, tips or advice?