7w 2d and heartbroken

Rachel • Have a beautiful and spunky 4 year old Tucker and expecting his little sis April 23rd 2018!
Saw our sea monkeys heartbeat last week at 6w 2d and we were on top of World. Even told our moms on Mother's Day. We saw the heartbeat! Went back today and were thinking positive. "It can't happen to us again". Well, it did. Blind sided our sea monkey is still measuring 6 weeks. And no heartbeat. Blood work is dismal. Our last pregnancy was a blighted ovum. Passed it at around 7 1/2 weeks. It took us 10 months to get pregnant again! How, why, how, we can't wrap our heads around it. We are healthy! We are good people! Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Back to square one. Again. And what? Another 10 months?! I'm so very tired.