23 weeks

I need some help ladies. I'm pregnant with my first baby. I'm due September 14th. I'm so overwhelmed with the thought of breastfeeding it terrifies me. I'm so scared out daughter won't get enough milk and she's going to get dehydrated. I want to have an excellent supply and I want to exclusively breastfeed. I was also wondering what my daughter is supposed to eat within the first few days after birth if my milk hasn't come in? I know I'll have colostrum but will that be enough for her before my milk comes in? Also, how often do I need to nurse her!? I have so many questions and anxieties and I don't want to scare myself out of anything without actually trying first. I'm going to have a pump on the side just in case the breastfeeding doesn't work out. But any mommies have advice for me on how I can enjoy it and not worry so much? 😔