moving in

Alexis • College student education major baby girl khelani Maliana Mata was born 1/28/18
So I haven't been in this relationship long (two months) and recently my family told me that I have to move out. I'm in my first year of college at Texas tech university and I'm a commuter so I stay home. The problem is I don't have anywhere to go so he says we can get an apartment together I'm a little nervous I've never stayed by myself. I'm really shy and he doesn't like that so sometimes he doesn't think I'm serious how can I get him to know I'm serious. Also, my family thinks he's only good for me cause he has money he's a welder but I could care less about his money that's something i could get on my own but when he comes over to see me they are always like when are y'all getting married or when are y'all having kids even tho I'm only 19 and I'm not ready for kids and it makes me feel uncomfortable so how can I explain to them that it's inappropriate without crossing the line or then taking it the wrong way