44 - Natural Conception

Hello Glow Friends.  Just giving hope to those my age.  Im 44 years old.  I'm 8DPO.  Saw a faint line on a cheap test today.  Will test tomorrow with a more expensive real deal. Pretty sure I'm sure though.   I have been very dull crampy all week.  I have kept a log of my symptoms since 1DPO so I will continue with a follow up post for those who may be scouring Glow or the web for answers as I have during this 2WW.  And I mean scouring.  I have been looking for anyone with similar symptoms and ending with positive results.  I have seen umpteen posts with my symptoms - but that is where it's left. No follow-up or anyone stating what their individual outcomes were.  And these were OLD posts.  And I asked on many of them for results.  Nothing!  So my post is for all of you who are dying (as I have been) in the 2WW to know if what you are feeling is crazy, or real.   I know we are all different and everyone experiences symptoms differently.  But it sure would have been reassuring (for me) to simply pass my time reading about it and knowing the end result of the endless stories I have read.  When I get my 100% clear positive, I will follow up with my symptoms and results.  But for now - if I'm pregnant, we would have conceived naturally and by surprise.  It is possible.