my birth story💙 (pretty long)

Tahnycia🌸 • Kreed Messiah💙👶🏽
On May 15th, i was scheduled to be induced at 4pm by my OBGYN because i was just over being pregnant. Me, my mom, my dad, my child's father, his mom and my aunt all arrived at the hospital on time and made our way to L&D. We get fo L&D just to find out all the room were occupied😡🙄. At this point, my attitude was thru the roof and i was one unhappy pregnant woman. My aunt wanted the baby out  just as much as i did so she suggested that i drink castor oil and orange juice😳. Lucky enough for me, we were heading to Wal-Mart anyways. We purchased what we needed and i end up drinking that nasty drink🤢. I walked around Wal-Mart a few times while my mom shopped just to get things cranking. We finally settled in at home from the store but something told me "go for awalk". I told my aunt that i wanted to go walk around our huge sub-division and asked her to come with me. After that walk, i started feeling like i had to poop😩. Around 12am is when i woke up out my sleep to go sit on the toilet because this urge to push is unbelievable. I did that every 2 hours for the rest of the night until 3;40am hit. I felt a contraction but wasnt sure. I waited for the feeling to happen again and load and behold, it happened again. At that moment i knew i was in labor. I went downstairs to let my mom know and we immediately went to L&D. By time we got there, it was 7am; was admitted; pushed for 20 minutes. May16th 2017, Kreed "KD" Messiah came into this world at 6:26pm, 7lbs 13oz,&  21 1/2 inches long. Born on my mom's birthday ❤️😊 My love bug