injection sites too close together?

Caroline • mama to Haley, born April 5, 2018 & Emily, born April 22, 2020 🎀
The nurse told me to keep them an inch apart but tonight I did the follistim/menopur shot and then the Cetrotide shot and accidentally got them a bit too close...maybe only 0.75 inches apart. Do you think that'll be a problem?? I'm freaking out. I didn't want to do any tonight on my other side since it's irritated and swollen so I did them both on my right side. And I couldn't tell where I had put the first injection when I did the Cetrotide shot because I hadn't even bled this time, but now I can see both and they're under an inch apart. Any insights on this? I'm on Day 6 of meds, my next US is on Monday morning...