It's inescapable....

If it's not friends and family members anouncing their pregnancies, it' shows on tv talking about infertility like it's some kind of joke or brand new babies at the grocery store. I'm trying really hard to keep busy and not think about the fact that all I want is to be pregnant and start our family, but I feel like it's pushed into my face constantly.

My husband's always asking what's wrong and I try to brighten up, but he sees right through me. I can see how he worries about me and feels responsible for me not being pregnant, it breaks my heart.

I have an appointment for June 2nd with my OB. It feels like an eternity. I'm trying to stay positive and not worry. We're pretty sure it's a timing thing as my husband works graveyard and I work days making intimate moments fewer and farther between. But when we have done well with timing, still nothing and it's been twenty months. Hopefully the doctor will have good advice and no bad news.

Thanks for reading, just needed a place to sort my thoughts out.