Help! Need advice... LONG STORY

Muva 👑
FTM mom here. I'm 39 weeks. My last appointment was last Tuesday. they did a cervix check. I was 2cm and 80% effaced. After the cervix check I was having back pain (normal, I know) however throughout the following days I've noticed that I would have back pains during the night time only and my mucus plug would fall out in the mornings only. During the day I walk around normally with no problems. Last night (Saturday night) the back pains were worse than before. It started around 530/6. Coming and going. Nothing too painful. Then when I lied down to go to bed the back pains got worse. I couldn't sleep. I was up back and forth to the restroom. Not to mention I get a radiating pain in my back when urinating. After 7pm I noticed the pain in my back wouldn't go away. It was dull but then it'll start radiating and go back to dull pains. So I began trying to time them but they were so irregular I couldn't keep up. Around 2am the pains got too uncomfortable I went on the couch but that didn't help. I got up to walk to see if it'll relieve the pain but it made it worse. Once again I tried to time it. the pain normally lasts about 30-60sec but in no specific pattern. I made a bowel moment(not a big one) and that kinda relieved the pain a bit but the pain came back. This morning I called the on-call midwife from my doctors office to describe to her what was happening and she basically dismissed what I was saying (professionally) and was like "it's normal the baby is settling into your pelvis so discomfort is normal. You could be in early labor. So just rest and drink and eat plenty and call us when your having contractions. You'll feel pain in side,back, abdomen, and all over." Another midwife at my doctor's office had told me before they can tell by the pain in your voice if you're in labor. I don't believe in that because I had a friend who was in full blown active labor and didn't even know it cause her contractions were not how most ppl describe it. My problem is this midwife spoke with me over the phone. Just because I sound calm on the phone doesn't mean I'm not in excruciating pain. I want to go to the ER just to get checked. I am aware of the possibility of being sent home but I would be ok with that knowing someone checked me out to really explain to me what's happening. So I'm just looking for some advice. Should I just head to the ER on my own or should I wait to see if the pain progresses and turn into full blown contractions. Should I just wait until the baby's head is halfway out (not literally) I really don't know what to do.