FTM- c section booked, feeling overwhelmed

Hey ladies, anyone else scheduled for a c section? I'm now 38 weeks and a day. I'm due June 3rd, scheduled in for June 2nd for a c section. I'm feeling so frustrated in these last few weeks.. I feel like I'm just waiting around now, having a hard time getting a good sleep, feeling anxious and on edge at times. I see everyone around me having their babies and I'm still waiting 2 more weeks. Don't get me wrong I'm so happy I am going full term. I have had no complications with baby and I'm so grateful for that. I think part of it is that I know in 2 weeks I have to go into surgery and it makes me really nervous. Childbirth in general makes me nervous because I have never done this before. Im a FTM so I am going in to this completely blind. Is there anyone else going through this? Or has and can ease my mind?