14 weeks and amnion/chorion not completely fused

Hi ladies! So I'm not sure if this will be helpful or harmful to ask, but thought i would give it a try. We had a gender scan at a private place at 14weeks exactly. We found out the gender and all looks good, except my husband spotted a "bubble" and asked what it was. The tech said it was where the amnion and chorion are fusing together, and said 14 weeks is right around the time it will fuse (14-16wk). I was fine with it, but my husband was concerned and after reading online I'm scared it's abnormal and means there are abnormalities. We just worry because it looks so big. I don't see my OB til 6/9 so I'm not sure if it's something to worry about or not? I know guidelines aren't always specific, but when I read everything that says "around 14 weeks it should be fused" it scares me. 😔 Has anyone else had this and had a healthy baby?   added a pic for reference of where you can see the areas that aren't fused. Thanks in advance ladies.