Husband looking up things.... again

Sorry for the long post but please read!!!
So awhile back I had posted on here of what you ladies thought of your SO's looking up provocative women (naked, ass pictures) just very disgusting things on Instagram. Although I had confronted him numerous times and his response is always an excuse as to "My phone does it itself" "I didn't look that up I promise baby" "my phone is messing up"..... A few of you said it was very inappropriate, some said it was okay, some told me to leave him. I decided to confront him once again to which he said "I've told you babe, my phone does it by itself." So..... I left it alone for a long time! Until now.... he took a shower this morning and I decided to look at his phone and on his YouTube app I found at least 5-6 videos of girls.... basically porn videos... one video was called "15 Hottest and Sexiest pictures of women from Instagram".... I don't know what to do about this.... I love him so much! I mean yes I am glad that it's just a video instead of with an actual female but I'm hurt... why would he need to look at those videos when he has me? 🙁😢