Stupid Tummy Pooch

When my fiancé and I met I was 120. I got hit by a car two months later. Over the next 3 months I gained 40lb from not being able to be active. After this I started a desk job and I've ended up at 190 over the last couple years. I've been working out and eating healthy and have lost 10lbs so far. I do still have a lot of muscle mass just never got rid of the extra fat because it's hard to work out like I used to due to the arthritis from the accident. The one thing I can't get rid of is the pooch. I don't know why my stomach won't go down. I drink only water and green tea and eat plenty of fruits and veggies to the point it's got me going to the bathroom every couple hours. Anyone know any tips to get rid of the stupid thing? Even at 120 I had it. Beach is in 2 months.