is the baby going to fall out?! jk but for reals

Mattie • Married to the love of my life. Mother to sweet baby boy - 27 months. Pregnant with baby boy #2!
So I'm 39 weeks +1 day (due may 27th) and today I have having this crazy achy/weak feeling in my vagina 😳🙈 I have been consistently sore or feeling pressure since 30 weeks or so, but this feels different. Like a tired muscle and it's hard to squeeze my "keegle" muscles (sorry TMI just trying to explain how it feels 🙈🙈). So while in the shower I tried to see if I could feel my cervix (which I could before pregnancy) and defff can't now, but had my husband feel for it (super gently) and he swears he feels like a hard round surface like an orange. 😳 while I know this can't be babies head, have any women experienced anything like this?? I feel like a child who doesn't understandthe female anatomy lol! 🙈🙈🙈 anyone expected this same achy feeling? Or have their partner feel/or themselves feel something comparable? Thanks ladies! ❤❤❤ (also haven't lost my "plug" that I have noticed, just heavy discharge and I KNOW baby has dropped just by the look and feeling of my body. Also this is baby number 2 for me)