Controlling Relationship

I just need to vent, I've been with my boyfriend now for 2 1/2 years and we've known each other for 5. We have a gorgeous 4 month old daughter and I've grown very close with his family. Before I gave birth I worked 2 jobs and we were living with his parents while we saved up money before the baby came. Well come to find out he saved $0 and I was the only one with anything. Because of that we were unable to get a home like normal people do when they have a family, so my dad offered us the apartment in his back yard until we could get on our feet. It's perfect for just the 3 of us, and I'm currently a SAHM while my boyfriend is a manager at his job. But again, he's not saving ANY money and claims it's because he spends it all on me which is the farthest from the truth. He constantly has to know what I'm doing, where I'm at and who I'm around (which is always my parents). On his days off I consider it like a day off as well so we can do things as a family and bond but instead he just wants to do what he wants and he always wants to leave and go to his parents. I've never felt so lonely in a relationship and I know most of you will say "kick his ass to the curb". But it's harder than you think because again I am a SAHM and I can't risk having 50/50 custody..he's a great dad but his families home has 5 untrained dogs, he has no money to provide and I'm just worried about my daughter. I've been biting my tongue and taking in all the negativity he has to dish out, but I can't do it anymore. Here's the kicker, I found out 2 days before Christmas he cheated on me with a female that now identifies as a male and has since lied to me about where he was or what he was doing. I feel stupid for staying but in my mind I wanted to keep our family together for my daughter..I grew up with my parents divorced and it was so hard growing up because of it. I feel so stuck...