My Wonderful Husband

**I don't know where to put this, but I dont have anyone to talk to and I need to get this out. I'm sorry it's long.** I am 19, and my husband is 23. We met in the Marine Corps (both have separated, he finished his contract and I got out for a condition) and after a few weeks of flirting I slept with him. He had a girlfriend at the time, but broke up with her after a week and a half of us spending every night together (except weekends). I was sleeping around a lot, but cut ties with everyone as soon as we started dating and hadn't/haven't slept with anyone since the first time we did. It was a rough start, but I fell really fast. We had to learn to trust each other, because obviously those circumstances aren't ideal when you start getting involved. We'd promised that we wanted to take our relationship serious and that we would be fully committed. After 7 months he proposed and 4 months after that we got married. I hsve a mental illness and so it's not always easy to be with me. Being in therapy helped me a lot and I dont think we would be together had I not gotten help. We were separated for a few months between each of us getting out. I told him absolutely everything. Trust was still kind of difficult because we'd both been hurt by past relationships, but we made it through. The other day we were talking about it and he said something about temptations and I confessed that when I was in and my Cpl came on to me that I was sort of tempted, but never did anything. (The military is mostly male, obviously, especially the Marine Corps. I got hit on a lot and plenty of people tried getting in my pants bc I couldn't tell anyone we were together bc we worked together and were in different peer groups. Basically I was with one of my bosses.) He got upset and we talked through it, but then he.. he told me that he slept with his ex, the one he cheated on with me, a few days after we started dating, after they'd broken up. He never told me that he'd gone to see her. We'd promised each other so many times that we'd never done anything and we never would. He got mad at me after reading some messages about how I was sad I'd never get a chance with this one guy (this was after we were engaged, but the messages were from about the same time he'd slept with his ex and I'd totally forgotten all about this guy and can't even remmeber his name). He'd gotten so angry over so many things, told me numerous times that if I ever cheated on him now was the time to tell him and that he wouldn't get mad, he just wanted to know. After he told me, I just layed there for 30 minutes and talked until the tears finally came and I cried for a few hours. It wasn't even the fact that he slept with her, it was that he never told me. I'm happy he felt comfortable enough to finally tell me, but I just wish he'd told me before we got married. I was completely open and honest about a lot of things that could have been a huge deal, and we always worked through it all, just like we are with this. But it still hurts. A lot. I wish that he was as comfortable with me as I was with him. I tried to be as vulnerable as possible so that he would be able to be like that with me. It hurts because of all the times he got mad at me about stupid stuff, all the times he got drunk (or really emotional) and accused me of cheating, all the times we'd promised each other things. I titled this "My Wonder Husband" because he IS wonderful. I'm not going to let this one small thing ruin everything we have. We worked through a lot of sh!t together, and he has always been there for me when I wanted to hurt or cry or someone to hold me. He is going to make a great dad (I'm 11 weeks and we are SO EXCITED TO BE PARENTS!!!!!!) and I honestly think our relationship is already stronger than it was. He had the guts to tell me something that most people never tell their spouses. Yeah, it still hurts and it's going to take time to work through it, but I know we'll make it through because we are awesome together. Thanks for reading my story!