Thank you

Samantha • My name is Samantha. I have 3 kids, ( 18, 13, and 7!) My fiance and I are currently TTC. I won't be on Glow much longer, but I am on Baby Bump Pro (killerqueen612)
I just wanted to say thank you for creating a positive group. It's refreshing, and definitely makes me want to stay glow! I've heavily contemplated deleting the app, and have already cancelled any payments. I've felt ignored, and it's definitely not everyone, but there are so many. I once posted in the wrong area, and had ridiculous comments, and my post was twisted to be "offensive ". I'm an extremely nice person, but we all have our limits. 😧. After my miscarriage, I couldn't bare seeing my status on my one app go from 3 months, to not pregnant. So, when we finally started trying again, I downloaded this. I wanted to see what the community was like, and I haven't had the most positive experience. There definitely seems to be cliques, and if youre you're not in it, you can barely get an upvote, or reply. I've found it disheartening. I really, really appreciate this group, and I look forward to talking with you ladies. I've had a pretty bad year to put it mildly, and I think we all need encouragement, and love.