Is it just me or 😧😧😧😧..........

Has anyone had brown spotting no period but tested 1 week after your period was due and gt a BFN . Also is it true testing after 14 days after your period is due gives you more accurate results
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Posted at
Hi Ray, the very same thing is happening to me this month! My periods are normally extremely regular. I'm not due for another five days and this morning I woke up to mild cramping and brown spotting. Spotting has stopped now. I'm praying it is finally it but I'm too scared to take a test as it is still so early. Will keep praying and see what happens I think!!


Ray β€’ May 27, 2017
Omg congrats happy for u girl 😍 mine was a BFN but keeping my thoughts up and gonna keep trying


Lu β€’ May 23, 2017
I've just done a test and it's positive! Praying that you get a positive result as well! Good luck!x


Ray β€’ May 23, 2017
Ya me too but i kept reading on google it will def show if u preg if u test 2 weeks after ur period was due so m gonna test this weekend to see whats goin on. Baby dust and prayers to us both


Posted at
I haven't had this sorry. How heavy was the spotting, do you think it actually could have been a very light period? If you are pregnant the longer you wait after a period to test the stronger the result would be as the hcg goes up. 


Amber β€’ May 23, 2017
Hmm not sure. Fingers crossed it was implantation bleeding!


Ray β€’ May 23, 2017
The spotting was for maybe 3 or 4 days but it was very light lke only when i wiped myself with tp it would show and on the panty liner it was like a few drops and i normally get this kind of spotting before startng AF but it was 2 days before AF