A bad hand in life

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About a year ago my biological mother kicked me out of the house. I had been out with friends all afternoon and into that night and being the unbelievably forgetful person I am I had forgot my key again. My ride home also got all messed up and I had to find another way home. My ex offered to drop me and my friend and when I txted my mom and told her she asked me about my key. I dreaded her response when I told her I had forgotten it again and I felt so unbelievably bad cause I knew she was probably already in bed. She told me to sleep on the porch and to be quiet cause my 2 little sisters were asleep in a tent in the living room. Which she later claimed was a joke. I had already been freaked out and upset cause that same day my parents were supposed to go to family court again. I then sobbed and just went to my friends house were I called my step mom and dad who I wasn't supposed to have contact with and my step mom came and got me. I had only planned on staying there one night but things got crazy and the police and CPS got involved since I was a minor. My mom told me she didn't want me ever stepping foot in her house again after that. I was forced to move in with my father which turned out to be the best thing that could've happened to me since I had been severely sick due to medical and mental illnesses that were never dealt with properly. I'm now healthy and happy and I am actually going out and doing things with my friends. My situation has gotten better. My relationship with my mom on the other hand was never super great but it's become almost non existent now. She has made it impossible to see my little sisters who I've seen once in an entire year. I miss them to no end and I know I wasn't the best big sister but I'm better now and I want to be in their lives. I've seen so many situations like mine as I've gone through this and I've realized that family isn't always simple and sometimes you get a bad hand in life but as long as you stay strong you can get through it. Even people you love and care about may try to put you down but you can't let them! I know my mother did.
My mom said I will never drive...
I got my permit a few months ago.
She said I wouldn't go to college...
I am going to community for 2years and transferring.
She said I will never amount to anything in life...
We will see about that.
I have been wanting to share my story because there are so many people out there who are going through some pretty crazy things and I want them to know that they can do it! No matter what happened in your past or what's going on in your present fight for what you want! You can do anything you set your mind to so don't give up! I hope people can draw some type of lesson or small piece of insight from my story. I chose to share my story on here because I feel like this is a safe place to do it and I am asking that anyone who has any nasty comment please refrain from saying anything. Thank you!