No Glow....I haven't had the fuckin baby yet!

Chanti • 28. Married to my best friend 💍. Just gave birth to the love of my life, Eden Grace 👶🏽.
Is there a way to turn that off?? I'm passed upset right now. Midwife just told me I'd likely go past my due date. I literally cried! I can't take this for another 2? 3? weeks?? This is not the news I wanted to here after throwing up all day barely able to keep water down and peeing myself at the appointment before I could get a urine sample and no change of clothes. My dad said "It's ok we want her to finish growing." Um no TF I don't! Who is this "we" you're referring to? Oh you mean the "we" who are not carrying this baby 🙄! 
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Well if your officially full term I don't see the issue on trying some home remedies on trying to induce labor. Better start walking and bouncing on that ball more often hang in there im officially full term today and I'm on a mission even tho I have 20 more days till my due date I'm over being pregnant he been in there long enough 


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At my 38 week check up my midwife told me I'd probably go three or even four weeks more because I was too cheerful and flexible (baby was posterior so she had me doing exercises/hand stands on the couch and floor) She said once I was miserable, then it was closer to my time. I went into labor the following day. I was bouncing on my ball all morning the day before and I think that helped. 


Betty • May 24, 2017
Oh and I was also drinking two red raspberry leaf tea. I know they say it doesn't send you into labor, but I'd have contractions immediately after drinking it for two days and on the third night, they stayed and I went into labor