Should I move on? Or wait?

Jaz • | Blessed with a 9yr old & 5yr old

So, my daughter's father and I had split. Not even long enough and he was seen with another girl at a restaurant where his friend works and his friend messaged me to see if we were still together. I told him no and asked why. So, he told me and i sort of felt my heart sink into my stomach and felt my throat closed to where I was holding back from crying. I know everything happens for a reason, he talked to females behind my back and denied a lot when I found the truth.. But i still loved him regardless of him not choosing our daughter and I over his brother in laws and drinking. Anyways, how do you mother's feel about the father of your child moving on? As well doing a 50/50 without court orders just because you wanted to be civil and not cruel over the situation? I was fine with it at first, but when he would bring her back from staying over - my daughter would cry and say "Mommy". I've asked my ex who she would be calling mommy because she knows the difference between mommy and daddy and he told me "She calls me that." I didn't believe him because she would call him by daddy. And another thing is that she would begin to hump things (I know some mother's say it's "normal" especially when you dont do that type of stuff around a child) and then moan? There are times where I would be changing her and she would reach down to play with herself (again, I heard some toddlers do that because they're curious about their body parts) then lick her finger? Then get ontop of her big stuffed animal and begin to do things in an adult manner. I don't see anybody nor am I in a relationship as I obviously stated I was heart broken when i found out my ex moved on. And when we were together, I'd respect and know better than to have intercourse when my daughter was around and even if she was asleep. But I began to reassure myself it was nothing until I had asked my ex if we could start over and both be there for her. And he would suddenly get stressed or overwhelmed about it and say he needed to "focus" on his job first. I asked him if he still loved me and he told me he cared about me. I picked up hints that he moved on. It hurts, but I guess i have to accept it. But I don't accept the fact that he's possibly sleeping around with that girl while in the same room as my daughter and making her call his girl "Mommy". I don't mean to sound stubborn, but I just don't know how to feel about it all... I'm 19 and all. I'm still learning on being a mom and him moving on and this step parent thing I just idk..

Then, I met one of the guys that worked with my ex. We talked for awhile, and he asked if i wanted some thing serious. He's a nice guy, he tells me he's about God and how he's the clingy type. But, with how i was treated like nothing by my ex, I don't feel prepared to move on and I dont want to break his heart because I told him I did like him. My self confidence and all was torn apart by my ex. He would tell me I got too fat and needed to work out, he would talk to females that are way prettier and skinnier than me, tell them that he regret meeting me and having a kid with me. He would say I had too much hair on my arms, to shave my arms, shave my legs, keep up with my eyebrows and stop dressing lik3 a bum and dress up and put make up on. When we were around his family, especially when he was around his brother in law; he would treat me like I wasn't nothing to him. He would tell me to stop calling him babe and to stay here and there when he left to go somewhere. When we went out to shop and all, he would tell me to stay far behind him and all. I just felt so alone, unattractive, not good enough and all. I've gained weight from eating my emotions, and not doing nothing. And now somebody new has stepped in; I fear the same would happen. Like what if he gets bored and tired of Me? I know I shouldn't think the worse; but when the man you had loved destroys you emotionally, mentally and pshycially... It destroys your mindset completely. Leaving you so insecure and thinking what if he finds somebody better?

Should I move on? Although it's not your decision and all; but some advice and reassurance would help. I know I should decide for myself but I'm just scared. I'm sorry for venting..