Really need help! Confused!! 😁

OK so I was supposed to start my period 3/8 have always been on a 28 day cycle. I took a pregnancy test that same night and it was only one line,  left it on the counter and when I got up in the morning there was a very very faint line so I took the other,  walked away from it since there was only one line as well, check it after 10 mins and the same thing a very faint line.. Took a third test and that was negative. Went to the doctor for a pap smear and they also did a test and it was negative, bled while she was preforming the pap smear. Had sex same night and a Lil spotting.. Today I woke up with cramps, headache, thinking my period is coming and no.  Just a few times using the bathroom I would get a Lil pink line but that's it.  I still have cramping!!  Ughhh so frustrating! Anyone know what it means!??