marriage advice...

Since we've had our son, my husband and I just haven't connected like we used to. I'm having a hard time dividing my attention between the two of them and taking care of myself. I feel like I'm constantly being pulled in every direction to fit everyone else's needs and putting my needs on the back burner. On top of that, my husband is having difficulting "sharing" me. I'm just at the point that I don't know what I can do. I'm trying my best to take care of my family but I just feel like the romance has left the building. He doesn't go above and beyond for me like he used to, and when I tell him about how I feel like we are lacking in the romance department he's gets defensive and says "well what about me? I want to be romanced too" - I just feel like we are both stuck in a pit where we are both being selfish and don't know how to get out of it. I'm mostly just using this app to vent, but if anyone has any words of wisdom or advice I'd love to hear it!