Watching your children

Ok, first let me start off by saying that I completely understand how hard it can be with a toddler, and a baby... especially if you are out in public by yourself.

That being said... I'm pretty upset right now. I was driving on the road in front of the store, going slow, super slow, because I knew that people walk across that part to get into a store...

I slow to a stop, because a mother is pushing a cart across the road from the parking lot towards the store, she has a baby in a car seat sitting in the seat section of the cart, and a little boy walking with her. He couldn't have been more than 3 years old.

They make it across the road, and onto the curb, when I proceed to go again, just as I do, the boy, who is not holding onto the cart, his mother's hand, or anything. .. decides to turn around and do a jump off the curb and then hop back up on it.

I slammed on my brakes, even though he was a few feet away from the car. The mother..instead of grabbing her kid and telling him to not go in the road, literally freaks out and rushes up to my car and kicks it and is yelling at me telling me I need to watch out and be more careful.

I decided to not say anything. And drove off.

Should she have confronted me?! Should I have said something?!

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