Stemming for another post

🐻MamaBear🐻 • I guess I have a bad attitude who knew? 😂 I vaccinate my kid's💉, my son is circumcised✂, I'm not an animal person😺🐶, I'm an atheist👿 and proud💪

So there is a post going around about a condom ad and there are opinions stemming around it from all kinds people. There are a few saying that people with kids aren't allowed to complain or bitch because they asked for it when they got pregnant; that we should have known what we were getting into and anyone that does sees their kids as burdens or problems now most of these comments are coming from people without kids.

I commented saying that I didn't ask to get pregnant the first time; my bc failed and so did the condom and got one comment saying I did ask for it because I could have had an abortion which didn't settle well with me(I don't believe in that or believe it should be used as a form of bc)I didn't ask to get pregnant I took all the precautions but I chose to keep my son because I loved him(still do) and wanted him it wasn't his fault and I took 100% responsibly for that. I was 21 when I made the choice to become a mother and I had NO IDEA what I was getting into not everyone does. Now I'm 25 with 2 kids that drive me up the wall to no return; but I love them, I'd kill for them, I have more good than bad days but I am human I'm not fucking super women no parent is...

I don't have my mom or dad to watch my kids like a lot of the other people do, I do everything 100% with my bf(their father) and I'm fine with that but we are allowed to cry, be frustrated, break down and wanna pee or shower alone! Our babies are not burdens or problems but it's nice to be alone for a little bit and there is nothing wrong with that!!

It doesn't mean we don't love our kids or wish they never existed it just mean we get tired.

As for another comment saying SAHM don't have the right to be tired only the one that work is the most ignorant misguided person I have ever met.

I'm just curious as how many actually believe people with kids don't have a right to complain? And why(vote and comment)

Do you believe people that do complain about their kids think they are burdens or problems?(comment not vote)

Vote below to see results!