An used car or rent a small apartment?


So I am struggling.

I live two hours away from where I study. I take a bus (one hour and a half) and two subways (an hour) to go. Imagine hell, but worst. Thats how the public transportation in a 3rd world country is. I dont pay for it because fucked up poor students have free passes. Yay

I have two options:

Buy an used car. A new one isnt an option.

The traffic is fucking intense, but I will have more comfort to come and go. I would take the same amount of time. I will have all the expenses that comes from it.

Rent an apartament.

I will only spend half an hour to go, but I have all the expenses that comes with it. Eating out isnt an option. My boyfriend and I are long distance, I would be closer to him, he would come every weekend and share the expenses.

What would you do?

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