Baby won't sleep without being cuddled in my arms 🤷‍♀️😣😰

I need HELP ok so here's the story,my 11 month old baby won't sleep without me! I rock her to sleep in the glider til she falls asleep or if she's not sleeping yet I lay her down but she'll fuss and fuss!! Idk what else to do! I have a SO who gets up at 3:00 for work and he "can't stand the fussing/screaming" which means I get yelled at for it I also get yelled at if I'm not in the room and to put her down thing is she'll scream. What do I do? Sleep with her in her room with her in her crib and me on an air mattress?? That's the only thing I can think of :/ please someone help D: I'm lost for words on coping with this and not feeling like a bad mom