Ttc while breastfeeding??

Corinne • YouTube Corinne Rose IG @corinnerose14 Blessed with kids Otis Van Wolf 09/24/16 Ginger Rose Willow 09/14/18 Elvis Clifford Fox 08/03/20
I am 8 months postpartum and I still haven't gotten my period. We are ready to ttc baby #2 now because it took over 2 years for our son. I do not want to stop breastfeeding to get my cycle back. I heard vitex can start your period and ovulation, and that its safe to take while breastfeeding. But I don't know if anyone has taken it to start their cycle while breastfeeding. We are just Very ready for number 2 and we want them to be close in age. I don't know if age and diet can help any but I'm 23 and I eat a high carb low fat vegan diet and I am 14 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight. Any tips and information is greatly appreciated.