I wish I...

Reflecting back on my pregnancy experience so far, I can think of some things that I wish I had done differently. I'd like to share them in hopes that it might help someone else and encourage others to also share their thoughts 😊
1. Be consistent with my weekly bump pictures. It didn't seem like such a big deal in the beginning because I wasn't showing very early. But now looking through the pictures I wish I didn't have so many gaps. I went from a 9 week photo to 13 weeks then 19 weeks! 
2. Record milestones like when I first felt her move, etc. I thought at the time that I wouldn't forget what week it was but I've already forgotten!
3. Decide to take classes sooner rather than later. I thought that I didn't need classes until I entered my third trimester and I felt the anxieties of labor. By the time I found the classes we wanted with prices we could afford, a lot of the time slots were already booked. Now we have to take our Infant Care class 2ish weeks before due date which adds to the stress level. We found the Labor & Delivery as well as Breastfeeding classes to be VERY helpful so far since we're first timers but didn't realize that  there would be some "homework" to do afterwards. Hopefully there wouldn't be much homework after the Infant Care class!
What have you learned so far during your pregnancy and/or now that you've had your baby?