need to vent.

My boyfriend asked his friend to be my daughters god father and my best friend was going to be the godmother. My friend was happy when my boyfriend told his friend his friends wife jumped to saying yes they would my bf never told me now she thinks she's the godmother and my bf feels bad telling her no, anyways I'm on bedrest we went ahead and said fine we can do it in august. Away from my due date in June and all. Now they want to do it on June 25th my due date is June 28th if explained to them that I wasn't comfortable with it because it's so close to my due date and I can have the baby anytime in June since it's a natural birth and not scheduled and they keep changing the date around to the 10th of June. Like don't they get it? I feel like a whale I can't sit or stand very long with out feeling dizzy I've talked to them many times and they don't stop. It's getting ridiculous makes me wanna not even let them baptize her they don't even ask about her all they want is to have the "party" planned out. To me a baptism is more than some party😒. I'm just exhausted with trying to get them to understand why I had agreed till august.