13 and not a virgin

So I was just out with my friends and  this really hot guy and he says shall we all sleep at mine and everyone was like yeh why not so we all went to his house at 10 pm and his mum and dad went out to watch a boxing match so he asked me to go in this room with him and look at all his stuff . So I did and I was so tired so I lay on his bed on my phone not even talking to him and he came and lay next to me and said "do u want me to lock the door ?" So I said Ye go on then . But I thought He meant that so no one else came in whilst I we slept and he came back form the other side of the room and took his pants off and he had a really big dick and I could feel his boner next to my leg and I said " why u hard?" He said cos I'm lay next to u and I faked laughed and he just kissed my neck and started stroking my arse so I got quite horny and he lay on top of me and started kissing me .... that was how I lost my virginity at 13 years old