can we talk MILs!

I am at my wits end with my MIL. My baby is 6 weeks old and she's been so annoying since she's been born. We've never had a good relationship, I tolerate and respect her for the sake of my husband but I'm about to flip out on her. 1st - I was induced with a foley bulb. The nurses told her and my FIL that they could go home. That the baby wouldn't be born until 12-6 the next day. Well things progressed rapidly I didn't even get to have my epidural. So rapidly my dr. Didn't believe I was having the urge to push already. So she wasn't there when the baby was born. (She wasn't allowed to be in the room anyway) so she got mad about that. And told me when she got to the hospital that "I snuck that one in on her" 2nd- we were still in the hospital and she asked me if we could get a life insurance policy on her, I told her no. I would get one. But that thought hadn't even crossed my mind she was only 2 days old!!! 3rd- she keeps bugging me about pumping. I'm breastfeeding and she wants me to start pumping. So she can take her and watch her. I've told her no, she's not going anywhere for quite a long time without me. 4- she keeps asking when She can watch her. She literally tried to bribe my husband and I with a gift card to a restaurant so we could go and and her watch her. I told her no. We would take her with us and go eat if they didn't want the card (that was her reason for offering it to us) needless to say she didn't give it to us. 5- she wants to come over ALL the time! Like 3 or more times a week. With her other granddaughter she basically does whatever she wants with her becausey SIL doesn't want to make her mad. She acts like the other granddaughter is her child! She's very overbearing with my SIL & her child and she's not doing me that way!! What do I do!!?!? Sorry I just needed to vent a little and need some advice! Surely I'm not the only one with a crazy MIL