My daughter is 1 month old and she has had terrible gas and is colicy. She cries all night long. Not only cries but screams and screams. It is heartbreaking and I've consulted 2 different doctors. They both had suggestions like the gripe water and over the counter gas medicines and changing her formula. Nothing seems to work. Once she starts she doesn't stop & it's only overnight. I just want to help her feel better I can feel her in pain and I feel so helpless. I tried to change my bottles to dr. Brown from Tommie Tippee and she rejected it immediately. See likes the wide top of the nipple I believe. To top it all off she seems to have acid reflux. So she is hungry but after sucking for a moment she gags and spits it out. I'm desperate to find her relief. Any suggestions? She currently uses Enfamil gentlease but we are looking for Similac suggestions because we have WIC aid.