Help. Swollen boobs and bottles??🤔

My little girl was born 4 days ago and I've been struggling to get her to latch properly and to keep her awake for feedings. According to the doctor she is eating enough because she is still producing wet and dirty diapers at a normal rate, but my milk has come in really really well and my breasts feel very heavy and hard like sandbags. There is even one spot where I think I have some plugged ducts from not expressing enough. This morning I nursed her for 5-10 minutes three times in a row with only a few minutes in between. But my boobs still hurt so I manually expressed some of my milk into a cup. My question is, can I bottle feed her some of my breast milk from time to time or should I just save it in the fridge for if I can't get her to nurse at all? Will feeding her with a bottle make it harder to get her to nurse properly? I don't usually have a hard time getting her to latch but she is so sleepy that she only wants to nurse in short bursts and that makes for a very tired momma. 😴