5.5 weeks with a few questions

Bekah • BFP 03.03.15 MC 04.07.15 BFP#2 04.08.16 -praying for our Rainbow; all while working in a daycare
I know I'm no that far along yet but u do have just a quick question, all these apps and message boards are going on about how I 'should' be feeling - morning sickness and cravings galore! 
I think the worst is just always being tired ( I work in a daycare do in always on the go).
I believe I've felt nauseous once, when someone brought up poutine.. And absolutely no cravings at all. 
Not that I'm looking to jump on those band wagons, more or less making sure things are the way they're supposed to be/ seeing if anyone else has been like this with their first 
Thanks so much guys!