Daycare questions!

LO will be starting daycare in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure what to dress her in for daycare. I usually have her in just a short sleeve onesie at home because the weather has been warm. The daycare has an indoor room, an adjacent room with cribs, and an outdoor play area. BTDT moms, how do you dress your LOs? Short sleeve or long sleeve onesie with pants, socks? Do you ask the staff to dress them in something different for naps? How many extra outfits do you send? She just started rolling so I imagine they'll have her on the floor quite a bit.
I will be starting work a couple weeks after she starts daycare so I'm planning to do half days for the first week to get her used to it. I'm debating about whether to spend the first couple hours with her the first day so she gets used to the toys and people with me there (also so I can pick up germs from the things she'll be touching/handling so I can hopefully start building antibodies since she's EBF). Did anyone do this, thoughts?