I'm sorry tmi but i was supposed to start my period 4 days ago and it didn't show up. But my period has always been messed up. Anyways I've been spotting not even really anything its just like a pink tint on the wipe after i potty.My husband and i did it 3 days ago and but I've been spotting 2 days after we did it... I wipe and its barely anything but your still able to see the difference and then i wipe again and its gone???? I put a tampon in thinking OK this is it I'm gonna start then I go an hour later to go change it and there's nothing on it???? I DO NOT HAVE A DOCTOR AND I DON'T HAVE MONEY AT THE MOMENT FOR A COPAY......I'm just asking for i guess advice. I've also been cramping and really hungry all the time and I've had heartburn really bad for like the past week and a half...and super moody too and yes I've taken a pee test and it says "NOT Pregnant" !!! We've been TTC for about 3 years now and NOTHING.... What do y'all think... Last time i spotted like this is when i was first pregnant with my son.....HELP!!!!!